Under the PC Security tab you’ll find the scan button, as well as firewall and quarantine settings and information. Webroot’s interface is organized into tabs, rather than modules, for each area of security, and there are five of them to choose from: Overview, PC Security, Identity & Privacy, System Tools, and My Account.

While this information is interesting, I didn’t find it to be all that useful and it makes the window look a little intimidating and cluttered. The main screen does show your protection status, as well as statistics such as when the last scan was performed, how long you’ve been protected, and how many system events have been inspected since installation. Webroot SecureAnywhere® Internet Security Plus provides cloud-based protection from online threats for all your devices keeping you safe no matter how or where you connect. The Webroot SecureAnywhere user interface is a little tricky to get around. That score is lower than other antivirus programs tested, like Microsoft Defender and Norton Lifelock 360. Webroot did much better with general attacks, catching 97, leaving the overall attack score at 86.5.
The program does not attempt to install any extras, such as toolbars, nor does it try to change any of your settings. Webroot scored much lower when testing targeted attacks, only catching 76 of them. Webroot customers can reinstall software at no charge for the duration of the subscription term based on the original date of purchase or renewal. And the bottom line that WSA remains the smallest, fastest antivirus around, and aced the malware-blocking test is enough to convince me.

It’s a one-click installation process, and it doesn’t require a reboot. Baldrick, the PCmag article of Apon Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus 2015 provides reassurance that WSA is an outstanding antivirus protector with a 4.5 of 5 rating. The Webroot extension is installed in both. Anyway, I made sure the setting to 'show safety ratings when using search engines' was enabled, but I'm not getting any safety ratings in Chrome ver 62 or FF 56, using Google, Yahoo or Bing. Installing Webroot SecureAnywhere Internet Security 2013 is quick and painless. Thinking of going back to Webroot after a few years using other products. It had the fastest scan time of all the 2013 suites we tested, for both on-demand scans (58 seconds) and on-access scans (two minutes, 10 seconds). It added just half a second to startup time (as compared to a PC with no antivirus installed) and three seconds to shutdown time. While Webroot’s protection may not be top-notch, it’s a speedy program with little effect on performance.